How to Help Active Little Kids Sit Still
Parents can struggle when they have active children who need to sit still. It can feel embarrassing, or like your child isn't doing what...

The Best Way to Prepare Your Child for School
Early Childhood Education is an important time for children. They learn so many things at that age. Erin Custer has worked for many years...

What it's Like to Look Different
Corey Taylor was born with a severe facial deformity. His parents and the schools he attended helped him to feel included and headed off...

The Blueprint for Student Success
Matt LeBris was born and raised in New York. He has worked with Damon John of Shark Tank, and he speaks around the country about student...

5 Valuable Tips That Will Make Your Child a Great Reader
When children read, they succeed! School success has a lot to do with early reading habits. Here are 5 valuable tips that will help you...

How to Choose the Right Preschool for Your Child
Listen to the episode here: When their family moved to Arizona, it cost 3 times the amount it had cost in their old home in Utah. She met...

What I've Learned Mothering a Child on the Spectrum
Rhonda Chapman has a son who is on the autism spectrum. They found out that he was on the spectrum at age 4. Since he was their first...

5 Ways to Teach Your Toddler that You Will Both Love
Toddlers are learning and growing every day. How can parents enhance their learning and help them explore their world- without resorting...

What Play Based Learning is All About
Nicole Thompson is a childhood educator- has been in the field for 28 years. Started out doing theme based program and now works in play...

The Best Ways to Help Your Child Succeed
Career and School success starts young. There are things parents can do in high school, middle school, elementary and even before their...