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How to Tailor your Child's Education to Meet Their Needs

Ginny Babbitt never thought she would homeschool her kids, but as kindergarten grew nearer for her oldest, she felt uneasy. She wanted freedom in their family schedule, so she decided to homeschool. That was many years ago, and she now homeschools all three of her children. This episode is all about what she has learned and will help you as you work to tailor your child's education to meet his or her needs.

Listen to the podcast here:

About Ginny

Ginny is a mother of 3 kids ages 15, 13 and 6. She has been married 18 years.

When her oldest was going to start Kindergarten, she got a panicked feeling; she wasn't ready.

Her husbands work schedule was irregular and she saw a crazy schedule in the future.

She had never considered homeschool. She had planned to be a teacher while her kids were in public school.

She found a friend who homeschooled that mentored her through the process.

Homeschool Thoughts

As time went on, her reasons changed from wanting to preserve family time to wanting freedom of curriculum.

She can choose how and when and what her children learn.

Homeschooling gives more time to parent.

There is not perfect solution.

There is no easy way.

It is all hard work.


Socialization looks different.

Homeschoolers are defensive about this.

She wants to make sure her kids needs are met and works to get them connected with other kids.


Homeschool keeps them away from certain things.

She gets more time with her kids and gets to focus on their learning style.

Tips for Homeschool Parents

Find a mentor for questions and support. You need a cheerleader.

Be flexible- have an open mind. Let go of your idea of what school should look like.

See each child as a unique individual.

You can tailor their education to their needs.

Get out and have fun and learn with your kids.

Have lots of patience and grace.

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