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What All Broke Teachers Need to Know

It can be hard to get by financially on a teachers salary. Dawn Casey-Rowe has some great ideas that will help. This episode also talks about things that can be done in education to make it even better and to really meet the needs of both teachers and students.

Listen to the podcast here:

About Dawn

Dawn Casey -Rowe didn't plan on becoming an educator. But one day, she had a vision, where she just knew this was the next step she needed to talke.

She started working at a technical high school.

Education in Action

She loves some things about the classroom but had some concerns.

After connecting with an old friend, she was encouraged to start a blog, which led to her first book.

She wrote about her experiences in education and education reform.

Living on a teachers salary is not easy. Dawn wrote The Broke Teacher's Guide to Success.

She hated the book because she was struggling financially herself.

She realized that she was telling the truth.

Problems with teaching

Lots of teachers are leaving the profession.

1. Because of money

2. Because of the way they are opening their money Many teachers are spending their own money in the classroom That is not a recipe for financial wellness

Supplementing Income

Teachers have a lot of value from what they do daily.

They can use these skills in settings outside of education nation to supplement income.

Don't Sniff the Glue

The book is about trying to navigate education reform.

There is an irony in education. Teachers are trying to teach, but are mandated to do a lot of testing.

The book is a satire, poking fun at what teaching is like currently.

How can we create systems that enhance learning?

Global Education

Education is very volatile today- we know what's going on in other places. It can help us and inspire us to do better.

We have a global connection. We need to come together and use the best practices from each place.

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